Echo Parakeet, a season with baby boom and fatal virus. MWF Newsletter 7(1): 4.Richards, H. 2010. A White House commission convened by Trump and led by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has called on Trump to declare a national emergency to help deal with the growing opioid crisis. An initial report from the commission in July noted that the approximately 142 deaths each day from drug overdoses mean the death toll is "equal to September 11th every three weeks.". "And so as a consequence, folks wake up and they're surprised 'How come we can't get things through Congress How come we can't get things through the state house' Because you slept through the election!" Gillespie "suffered mightily from the utter failure of the Republicans in Washington to do what they said they'd do," said former Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli, R, who lost the governor's race four years ago. "Trump is Trump," he told our Marc Fisher ...